
Drift city jp download
Drift city jp download

Based on the proposed restoring force characteristics, nonlinear dynamic analysis was conducted, and the results were compared with those obtained by the pseudo-dynamic tests. In addition, based on material testing and pseudo-dynamic test results, a restoring force characteristics model was proposed to implement the nonlinear dynamic analysis of a test building retrofitted with NBSD-WSCS. As a result, the effect of NBSD-WSCS, when applied to existing RC frames, was examined and verified, especially as to its seismic retrofitting performance. A full-scale two-story test frame modeled from existing RC buildings with non-seismic details was subjected to pseudo-dynamic testing. Materials testing was also conducted to examine the material performance and energy dissipation capacity of NBSD.

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In the present study, a window-type seismic control system (WSCS) using non-buckling slit dampers (NBSDs) was proposed and developed to address the disadvantages of conventional seismic control systems so that it can be effectively applied to existing reinforced concrete (RC) buildings. The results indicate that the models implementing the proposed regularisation of concrete and reinforcement constitutive models could accurately predict the global hysterical response as well as the local strain response of lightly reinforced concrete walls. The local strain response was also investigated to highlight the post-processing of model outputs required to achieve objective simulation results. The proposed regularisation techniques were validated against the measured response of tested lightly reinforced walls subjected to both monotonic and cyclic loading to ensure that both the cracking strength, ultimate strength, and ultimate drift capacity could be accurately simulated. Methods for regularisation of both the reinforcement and concrete material properties using a fracture energy method were proposed to minimise the effect of element size on the strain localisation during nonlinear analysis of lightly reinforced concrete walls.

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The aim of this study was to develop reliable regularisation approaches that could be implemented into fibre models to simulate the cracking and reinforcement fracture response for lightly reinforced concrete walls. However, for walls designed with low amounts of longitudinal reinforcement, the response and failure are controlled by the tensile behaviour, including concrete cracking and reinforcement fracture.

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Past studies have developed regularisation schemes for the concrete compression response and reinforcement tension response to achieve mesh objective simulations for the failure of reinforced concrete (RC) walls. Localisation can occur in distributed plasticity fibre models when a strain-softening response at the section restricts the spread of damage due to the unloading of stress in adjacent sections/elements.

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